Category Archives: College Bound

Reese Zinzun Will Play Soccer for William Jessup University

“I am very proud to announce that I have committed to play at William Jessup University. I’ve always dreamed of playing at the collegiate level, and because of the endless amount of support I have received from my family, coaches and teammates, I was able to achieve that goal. I would like to thank my family for their support and putting up with the dreadful car rides home after a loss. Without the support of my family, on and off the field, I wouldn’t be the person or the player that I am today and for that I am truly grateful. I would also like to thank all of the Placer United coaches I’ve had over the past four years: Chris Alcala, John Bustos, Todd De Carlo, and Katie Burton. To my teammates, thank you for being by my side since day one. I’ve realized that you guys are more than teammates, you are family to me, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without you guys. I would like to thank my high school coaches: Bill Fraser, Shonna Fraser, and my dad. Coach Bill and Coach Shonna have been nothing but supportive throughout my journey, and have always pushed me to be the best person and player I can be. I would like to thank my dad who has coached me in YMCA, recreation, competitive and now high school soccer. I thank him for always putting in so much of his time and effort to train me and always treating me as if I was just like any other player. Lastly, I would like to thank Coach Rachel and the William Jessup Warrior family for giving me this opportunity to play at the collegiate level. I am truly grateful for all of my teammates, family members, and coaches who have been able to take part in this wild adventure that has encouraged me to play at the collegiate level. I can’t wait to start this new chapter in my life, and be able to play at William Jessup University. Go Warriors! —Reese Zinzun

Jack Devlin Commits to Yale University

“I am very proud to announce that I will be continuing my education as a member of the class of 2021 at Yale University, where I will also continue my soccer career. I am so thankful for everything that the Placer United organization has done for me over the years. Words cannot express how proud I feel to have been a member of this club, and I have a countless number of memories from my years at Placer. I want to thank my fellow teammates who have become like family members to me, and I feel so honored to have had the opportunity to play with such a talented group. I also want to thank the coaches that I have had during my Placer career, especially Matt McDougall, who has become one of the most influential figures in my life. I would not be where I am today, both as a soccer player and as a person, without his unwavering support. Thank you to everyone else in the organization who has helped me on my journey. Most importantly, I would like to thank my family, especially my mom, Maura, and my dad, John. I cannot possibly express how thankful I am for them and all they have done for me. There is no way that I would be where I am today without their constant and unconditional support. Over the past several years, my connection with Placer has become one of the most integral pieces of my character, and I cannot imagine where I would be without being a part of such a fantastic organization. Once again, thank you to everyone who has helped me on my journey. I am extremely excited to begin my next chapter. Go Bulldogs!” —Jack Devlin, Placer United #6


Teagan Matye Commits to Westmont College

“I am very excited to announce my commitment to Westmont College! I give all glory to God, because I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for how He has worked in my life. A big thank you to all of the coaches I have had along the way, especially Terry Artica, Chris Alcala and Ron Benjamin. A special thank you to Ron for always pushing me to become better everyday and developing me into the player I am today. None of this would have been possible without him and I am extremely thankful to have him as a coach. Another thank you to my mom, dad, and brother Jackson, for constantly supporting me and motivating me to become a better player. I am so thankful to them for taking me to countless games and sacrificing their time so that I can play the sport I love. They been with me through the ups and downs of this process, and I can’t thank them enough for all that they have done. Also, I would like to thank my awesome teammates for are always pushing me and supporting me. “Tobin” will miss this group a lot, but I could not be more excited for the next chapter as a player and student at Westmont. Finally, thank you to Coach Chantel and Coach Cole for giving me this opportunity to play at the next level for such an amazing school. I cannot wait to go Westmont and pursue my dream of playing college soccer as a Warrior.” —Teagan Matye

Britney Flint Headed to San Francisco Academy of Art University

“I am extremely excited to announce my verbal commitment to play D2 soccer at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco where I plan to study graphic design, photography, and digital media while playing the sport that I love.

I want to thank all my coaches for shaping me into the player I am today: Lee Callow, Matt Scammacca, Chris Alcala, John Bustos, Todd DeCarlo and especially Ron Benjamin. Ron, thank you for always believing in me and continuously pushing me to improve every day.

Enormous thanks, of course, goes to my family for being my biggest supporters through the long drives, freezing cold and burning hot games, and cheering me on through the wins and losses. Particularly, thank you to my dad for being my biggest shoulder to lean on during this process. He was my first soccer coach and played the biggest role in developing my love for the game. Thank you, dad, for the countless hours you spent writing college emails with me and offering me the best advice. I would not be where I am today without you.

Finally, to all my teammates with whom I shared so many “Ronjamin” fitness sessions, Placer Idol skits, wins, losses, trophies, group texts, and fun nights on the road at soccer hotels. You’ve been some of my best friends and you will be forever.

I’m definitely looking forward to my senior year, but I also cannot wait to attend Art U and further both my soccer career, and my future in the art world.”—Britney Flint

Wyatt Walsh Commits to Dominican

“I am honored to announce my commitment to play D2 soccer at Dominican University of California. It has always been my goal to play soccer at the next level, especially at a school like Dominican. I am excited to start the next chapter of my life. Coming to Placer two years ago was a huge decision and I am so thankful to all of those who have been an influence on my soccer career. In addition, when my good friend, Trevor Wildberger, passed away, I made it my mission to make it to the next level so that he can now play through me. I dedicate this to him as I would not be here without his help and guidance. I can’t wait to put my mark on Dominican over these next four years. Lastly, thank you to my family, without them none of this could have happened.” —Wyatt Walsh

Clayton Smith Commits to University of Colorado-Colorado Springs



“I am proud to announce my verbal commitment to further my education and play soccer at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (UCCS). Over the years, soccer has played a tremendous part in my life. I have made so many irreplaceable memories with friends and family. I am beyond grateful for this once in a lifetime opportunity that I have worked so hard to achieve. No words can describe how thankful I am for my mom (Tricia Smith) and dad (Ken Smith) who have been my life long supporters and role models. Coaches Matt McDougall and Paul O’Brien welcomed me with open arms as I made my final club transition to Placer United just a few years ago. These two men have been so helpful throughout the recruiting process and have made me into the player that I am today. Being awarded with the captain role for my team, many life long lessons have come along that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. Special thanks to Matt McDougall as he believed in the person I am on and off the field and has helped guide me through life as the man I envision myself being. I am blessed to have been a part of such a wonderful community growing up, people and soccer wise. Without getting exposure at big time tournaments such as Dallas Cup and Surf Cup, I do not think this opportunity would have ever happened. I am so appreciative for my unparalleled teammates and the club who helped me get there.” — Clayton Smith, Placer United #17

Whitman College Looking Forward to Commitment from Jordan O’Roy

“I am honored to announce my verbal commitment to play soccer at the collegiate level for Whitman College in fall 2017. It has always been a dream of mine to play soccer in college, and due to hard work, dedication, and support from family and friends my dream is finally coming true. First, I would like to thank every teammate I’ve had throughout my years of playing soccer. You guys became more than just my teammates, we became friends and most importantly a family. Also, I would like to thank my family. If it hadn’t been for my family’s undeniable support and sacrifice I wouldn’t be where I am today. Also a huge thank you to all of my coaches I’ve had throughout my soccer career, however, most importantly Coach Todd DeCarlo. Coach Todd has become a huge part of my life on and off the field and I can’t thank him enough for pushing me in every training session and game, in order for me to play to the best of my ability. I am truly thankful to all those players, coaches, and parents who have been part of my journey and have encouraged me to strive to be the not only the best player, but best person I can be. Through all the support and sacrifices they have made for me to realize my goal of playing collegiate soccer and I now have the amazing opportunity to play at Whitman College . I can’t wait to take the next step in my life and continue my soccer career at Whitman College. Go Blues!” — Jordon O’Roy


Danielle Brannam Headed to Sierra College Women’s Soccer Program

“I’m excited to announce my verbal commitment to Sierra College. I’ve always wanted to play soccer at the collegiate level and I am so excited that I get to fulfill that dream. I am beyond happy to be the first person out of my family to attend college! I would like to thank former and current coaches for always being my inspiration, Coach Rich Donofrio, Coach Todd DeCarlo, Coach Ron Benjamin, and Coach BJ Glass. I would also like to thank Jason Gantt for recruiting me and for welcoming me with such open arms to Sierra’s Women’s Soccer Team. I would also like to thank my former and present coaches for believing in me and my skill to be able to play at the collegiate level.

I have played soccer for fourteen years and I’m happy I’ve made the best decision for me and my future. I do not know who I am outside of soccer and I am not ready to find that out yet. I am so excited to keep learning much more about the sport I love so dearly, and to pursue my career in nursing.

My last and biggest thanks goes to my family; my parents, Victor and Laura Brannam, as well as my brothers Chris and Jake Brannam, for always seeing my potential and pushing me to follow my heart, dreams and desires with everything I do. Thank you so much for all the constant love and support I receive on a daily basis!” — Dani Brannam

Ivan Oseguera Commits to Sacramento State Hornets

“I am excited to announce that I have verbally committed to California State University, Sacramento. I would like to thank both of my parents for always supporting me along the journey and also a big thank you to my brother Jorge for always encouraging me and helping my parents out on taking us to trainings and buying us soccer gear. Without them I wouldn’t be where I am today. I’d like to thank all my teammates I’ve played with throughout the years for helping me become a better player. I would also like to thank Bart Morefield who was my history teacher in the 8th grade for recommending me to tryout for Placer’s academy. I’d like to thank Paul O’Brien for teaching me how to play soccer the correct way and for always pushing me and expecting me to give it my all. I would like to thank my current coach Matt McDougall for believing in me and letting me play for him at Sac State. Last but not least, I’d like to thank my brother Omar for always being by my side and always pushing me on the field. I am very excited on continuing my soccer career at a great school and knowing I’ll get to play with my brother. Go Hornets! —Omar Oseguera

Omar Oseguera Will Sign With Sacramento State Hornets

“I am very excited to announce that I have verbally committed to California State University, Sacramento. I would first like to thank both of my parents for teaching me how to work hard at a young age and also for sacrificing so much of their time for my brother and me. Without the support from my parents I wouldn’t be in the position I am today as a soccer player. I would also like to thank my brother Jorge for encouraging me and helping my parents buy me my soccer gear throughout these years. I couldn’t have done it without his encouragement and toughness on me. I would also like to thank all of my Placer United teammates and other teammates throughout my youth soccer career that have pushed me to become the soccer player I am today. I also would like to thank Bart Morefield who was my history teacher in the 8th grade for giving me the opportunity to try out for Placer United’s first year of academy soccer. I would also like to thank Paul O’Brien for teaching me how to play soccer the correct way at a young age. He taught me how to become the competitive, hard working player that I am today and I wouldn’t be here where I am at today without him. Last but not least, I would like to finally thank my current coach Matt McDougall in believing in me and watching me play throughout my Placer years. He taught me how to become a better player and an even better person outside the pitch and I thank him a lot for that. I am more than excited in continuing my soccer career at a great school and with great coaches, and I am excited to see what the future has in store for me. Go Hornets!” —Omar Oseguera