Category Archives: College Bound

Abbie Gould of 01/02 Development Academy Commits to Dominican University

“I am thrilled to announce my verbal commitment to Dominican University! As soon as I visited the campus for the first time, I knew it was the perfect fit for me academically and athletically.  I would like to thank my team who has become my second family, for always pushing me to work harder and become a better player every day.  Thank you to Andy Walsh, my first club coach, for giving me my love of soccer and passion for the sport.  Thank you to Sh-Mike Callahan for showing me how to compete and have a good time, while significantly improving my game.  I would like to give a special thank you to Ron Benjamin who has helped me become the player I am.  You always push me to be better each day. I would not be in this position without you.  I would also like to thank all of my coaches and trainers who have helped me along the way.  A big thank you to my family who has come to each and every one of my games supported me through everything and helped me become the person I am today. Thank you to Coach Coffey and Coach Lingafeldt for giving me this fantastic opportunity! I am incredibly excited to play for you.  I cannot wait to be a penguin!” — Abbie Gould

Jordon Vice Commits to UC Davis

“I’m very excited to announce my commitment to play soccer at the University of California, Davis! I’m incredibly happy to be furthering my education and soccer career at such a great institution. First off, I’d like to thank my family and friends for the nonstop support they’ve given me throughout this journey. I’d also like to thank Kevin Unsworth, James Kavanagh, Paul O’Brien, Jason Gantt, Matt McDougall, Simon Shephard, Mr. Barbé, and anyone else who has helped shape me into the person and player I am today. I’d like to shout out to all of my teammates that I’ve played with throughout the years; nothing would be possible without them. I’ve been blessed with the chance to play at a club like Placer United, and I’m forever grateful for that. Once again, thank you to everyone who has helped along the way and I can’t wait to see what UC Davis holds for me! Go Aggies!” —Jordon Vice

Aiden Marquez of 01/02 U.S. Soccer Development Academy Commits to Dominican University

“I am so excited to announce my commitment to Dominican University! I knew Dominican was the best fit for me the minute I stepped on campus. It has an outstanding academic program, as well as an amazing soccer program. I would like to thank my Placer coaches, Ron Benjamin and Todd DeCarlo, for pushing me and giving me the tools I need to succeed. Thank you to my teammates for challenging me mentally, physically, and technically, and for being like family. Thank you to my mom and Eric Crise for giving me a unique and special soccer experience growing up. You two allowed me to become a better player, but also to become a better person. To my big sisters and former teammates, thank you for being amazing role models for me on and off the field. Thank you to the friends and families that have been with me since the beginning, and for always encouraging me. Thank you to Coach Coffey and Coach Lingafeldt for giving me the opportunity to play at the collegiate level. A huge thanks to my parents for supporting me and guiding me. I’m the person I am today because of you two. To my sister, Cassidy, thank you for being, not only my sister, but my best friend. Thank you for encouraging me to be the best person and player I can be. I cant wait to play with you again in college! I am beyond thankful for my amazing family that have loved, guided, and helped me through everything I have done. I can’t wait to be a Penguin!” — Aiden Marquez​

Benji Kikanovic Joins Sacramento State Men’s Soccer

“I am very excited to announce my commitment to play soccer at California State University, Sacramento. I would like to start off by thanking my family, most importantly, my parents, for always supporting and believing in me, both on and off the field, as well as taking me to all my practices and games. I would also like to thank Paul O’Brien, Jason Gantt, Matt Scammacca and Matt McDougall for always pushing me during training sessions and encouraging me to be the best version of myself. Thank you to my teammates and all the other coaches at Placer United who have played an important role in my development as a soccer player. I have always dreamed of playing at the collegiate level and I am incredibly excited to see what my future soccer career has in store for me at Sacramento State. Go Hornets!” — Benji Kikanovic

Humbolt State Welcomes Bridget Pelzman 01/02 Development Academy

“I’m very proud to announce that I will be continuing my education and soccer career as a member of the entering class of 2019 at Humboldt State University.  I want to thank my fellow teammates who have become like family members to me.  I feel so honored to have had the opportunity to play with such a talented group. I also want to thank the coaches that I have had during my Placer United  career, beginning with Crystal Howard-Chadez, Andy Walsh, and Jimmy Frazelle. Thank you for helping me improve my skills as a young aspiring soccer player. Thank you, Todd DeCarlo, for always pushing me to do my best while guiding me and improving me as the soccer player I am today. Last but not least thank you, Ron Benjamin, for mentoring  me while driving me to always be the best I can be on the soccer field. Thank you to each and everyone of you for your never-failing belief in me as a center defender. Most importantly I would like to thank my Mom, Dad, brother, and grandparents, I would not be where I am today without your support for me while allowing me to catch my dream!  Thank you, Paul Karver, for giving me this amazing opportunity and believing in me as a player for Humboldt State University! Go Jacks!” —Bridget Pelzman



Selena Osorio, U17 01/02 US Soccer Development Academy, Commits to Humboldt State

“I am so excited to announce my commitment to play soccer at Humboldt State University! A huge thank you to all of the coaches I have had growing up and playing soccer for, especially Ron Benjamin and Todd DeCarlo. My dream of committing to a college and having the opportunity to continue doing what I love after high school would not have been possible without them and their constant motivation to make me a better player.  Another thank you to my mom and dad, from taking me to practice, to taking me to my games far away and supporting me and pushing me each and every day. They have spent many hours with me at the field and have taken so much of their time to make sure I get to do what I love and I am extremely thankful for that. Another huge thank you to my teammates/family for supporting me on and off of the field. My teammates are amazing and I am very lucky to be able to grow as a player with each and every one of them by my side. Thank you to Jose Ordaz who has guided me since I was little and continues to guide me to this day. He pushes me and keeps me on track. He has educated me about life as a soccer player and as an individual and I am extremely thankful. Finally, thank you to Coach Paul Karver and Coach Kat Rocket Heppe for making my dream of playing at the next level at an amazing school possible. Go Lumberjacks!”—Selena Osorio


Zach Wong Commits to UC San Diego

“I am incredibly blessed to announce my commitment to play soccer at UC San Diego in 2018. I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to pursue my academic goals at this top university while living in beautiful La Jolla. I look forward to playing for Coach Jon Pascale and can’t wait to make a positive impact at UC San Diego as a player, teammate, and student.

I would not be where I am today without the endless support from my family, friends, teammates, and coaches. Thank you to my family – my biggest fans – for their unconditional love which allows me to become the best athlete, student, and person possible. Thank you to my friends for understanding when I can’t go out because I have soccer. And thank you to my teammates for working hard and supporting each other, which resulted in many impressive wins and everlasting memories. Each and every one of you will always have a special place in my heart.

Placer United has developed me into the player I am today. Thank you to Paul O’Brien for giving me the opportunity and developing me as an outside back. Thank you to Matt Scammacca and Jason Gantt for helping me improve as a soccer player and pushing me each day. A huge thank you to Matt McDougall for believing in me, supporting my goals, and guiding me through this entire process. And lastly, a special thank you to my very first coach from Granite Bay, Coach Chris Altobell, who helped establish my love of soccer since I was five years old and taught me to be RELENTLESS and to never give up!

Go Tritons!”— Zach Wong

Belmont Abbey College Welcomes Emma Roche

“I am very excited to announce that I have committed to Belmont Abbey College in North Carolina. I am beyond blessed to able to start my college career at a Catholic college where I can grow in my faith in God and as a player, led by amazing coaches Mike Lynch and Jaime Malilong III.  I would like to give a special thank you to all my coaches, Dave Zinzun and Gabe Martinez who helped me find my love and passion for the game at a young age. I would also like to thank Ron Benjamin, Todd Decarlo, Megan Montoya, and Ed Fardos who have pushed me and have developed me into the player I am today. I would especially like to thank my family, to all of my siblings and most importantly my parents. Thank you for all of the love, support and strength you have given me. I am truly grateful for each and everyone of you, I would not be the player I am today without you. I am extremely excited and cannot wait to start my new journey. Go Crusaders!” — Emma Roche

Noah Sonenstein, 99 Boys Gold, Commits to UC San Diego

“I am humbled and excited to announce that I will be continuing my academic and athletic career at UC San Diego. I cannot express my gratitude enough to those who have helped me along this momentous journey. I would like to thank Placer for fostering such a competitive atmosphere that has allowed me to hone my soccer skills and better prepare myself for the collegiate level. While playing at Placer, I have gotten to know some of the kindest, most charismatic teammates I have ever met; and I’m sure that I will stay in touch with them for many years to come. Furthermore, if I had never moved to Placer, I never would have had the priviledge of playing for Matt McDougall. Without his unwavering support and prudent advice, I would not be in the position I am in today. I am forever grateful for my family’s unconditional love and support throughout this process, especially from my Mom and Dad. There were many moments where I doubted my ability to play at the next level, but their relentless encouragement has truly been an essential part of my achievements. Once again, thank you so much to everyone who has helped me throughout this process and reach this goal, and Go Tritons!” —Noah Sonenstein

Rachel Roche Commits to Belmont Abbey College in North Carolina

“I am very excited to announce my commitment to play college soccer for Belmont Abbey College. I am truly blessed to have been welcomed by coaches Mike Lynch and Jaime Malilong, two wonderful people who will help guide me through the next four years of my life. I would like to thank all of my coaches, especially Ron Benjamin and Todd Decarlo, who have pushed me to be my best, on and off the field, I couldn’t have done it without the both of you! I would also like to thank all of my teammates who have been with me through the good and bad days. Finally thank you to my parents who have gone above and beyond to help me achieve my dreams. I can’t wait for what the next four year have in store. Go Crusaders!” — Rachel Roche