Category Archives: College Bound

Cody Sundquist Commits to UCLA

“I am grateful and proud to announce my commitment to play soccer and further my academic career at the University of California, Los Angeles. I would like to give a huge thank you to the coaching staff that really helped me develop not only as a player but as a person: Matt Mcdougall, Matt Scammacca, Paul O’Brien, and all of the other coaches at Placer. Thank you so much for pushing me and helping me achieve my potential. Lastly, I would also like to thank my parents for believing in me and never giving up on me. Go Bruins!”—Cody Sundquist

Saint Mary’s Soccer Welcomes Josie Sherman

“I am beyond thankful to announce my verbal commitment to play D1 soccer at Saint Mary’s College of California and continue my academic career! It has been a long journey to get to this point of deciding to play collegiate soccer. I am so happy that I found a school like Saint Mary’s where I love the campus, the people, and their soccer program. Thank you to Coach Travis for giving me this opportunity to pursue my goal of playing college soccer at a high level and develop my game even more.

I could not have gotten to this stage in my life without my family, teammates, and coaches. To my mom and dad, thank you for continuously being there for me after every game and practice. Both of you have supported me through the good and bad and have always been by my side. To my dad, you were my very first coach and started my love for this game. You have been there after every game to analyze all my plays, good and bad, and helping me to improve on and off the field. Thank you for being my personal coach and dad throughout the years. To my mom, you had me eating vegetables in every type of food as long as I could remember and I couldn’t thank you more. All of my food habits help me with my soccer performance and I thank you every day for being able to perform my very best. All the colorful meals I’ve eaten and learned from you, I’ll use for the rest of my life. And to my brother Jackson, you specifically have made me be the physical and competitive player I am today. Thank you for the very physical pillow fights and wrestling matches when we were kids. Growing up watching you play soccer always made me want to push harder and be better. Thank you for everything.  

To my teammates, every day I train with all of you, you always push me to be my very best and you guys have helped me grow to be the player I am today. To Todd DeCarlo, you were my very first coach when I came to Placer and have played a very big role in my development as a player. Thank you for taking me in and shaping me from the bottom up to be a better soccer player these past three years. I wouldn’t be where I am today without you. To Ron Benjamin, you have basically been my second coach since I came to Placer and through your brutal honesty and patience in coaching me as I developed my game, you have been very influential in my soccer growth. Thank you for pushing me and always seeing more in me these past years. I am extremely excited for what the future holds and cannot wait to continue my soccer and academic life at Saint Mary’s College of California! Go Gaels!” — Josie Sherman

Nate Sherwood Commits to Corban University in Oregon

“I am proud to announce my commitment to play for the soccer team and to further my education at Corban University in Salem, Oregon.  I feel blessed to have my family’s unconditional support for my love and passion for the game. I am also grateful to have had such an amazing Placer United team through the years. Thanks to all my coaches, Matt McDougall, Matt Scammacca, Paul O’Brien, Don Finley, and Joel Williams (Whitney H.S.) who have always believed in me and saw my true potential.  Finally, thank you, Aaron Lewis, of Corban University for allowing me to be part of your team.  Go, Warriors!” — Nate Sherwood

Frances Andrade 99/00 Development Academy Headed to Sierra College

“I am very thankful for the opportunity to continue my soccer journey at Sierra College. I have been fortunate to have many people support me and help me grow in both the mental and tactical aspects of the game. So many life lessons were taught to me that also helped me as a student-athlete who is ready for the next stage. I would first like to start off by giving a special thanks to Chris Alcala and my parents. They continually pushed me to work hard and never give up. They believed in me when I had doubt. Chris Alcala’s belief in me never wavered, and he always gave me the right advice when needed. Placer Club coaches, especially Coach Ron Benjamin and Coach Todd DeCarlo, molded me into a collegiate player. Coach BJ put in extra work to help me get better. Thank you.

I would like to thank Coach Jason and the rest of the coaching staff at Sierra College for the opportunity to be a part of a great program. I am excited to do my part to contribute to the continued success of the program.” — Frances Andrade


Austin Wehner Headed to San Diego State

“I am very proud and humbled to announce my verbal commitment to play Division 1 soccer and further my academic career at San Diego State University. I want to thank everyone who has been with me throughout this process with special thanks to God, family, friends and the talented coaching staff that guided me as a player and as a person: Matt Scammacca, Paul O’Brien, Matt McDougall, Kevin Unsworth, and Don Finley, who always pushed me to do the very best I can. I feel very blessed for being given this opportunity which wouldn’t have been possible if it weren’t for the amazing club, Placer United, and all the resources provided to ensure my success. Finally, I would like to thank Lev Kushner, Josh Hill and Matt Hall with SDSU for seeing something special in me that leads to a step in my life that I have always dreamt of. Go Aztecs!” — Austin Wehner

Tanya Bills Commits to Dominican University

“I am excited to announce my commitment to Dominican University. I chose Dominican because it will allow me to pursue a nursing degree while playing collegiate soccer and staying close to home.  

There are so many people who have encouraged, instructed, sacrificed, and come alongside me: 

I would like to thank my past and current teammates for always being by my side (sometimes putting up with me) and pushing me to be the best person and soccer player possible.  

I would also like to thank all my Placer coaches who believed in me and nurtured my love of soccer:  Crystal Howard, Chris Alcala, Mark Broers, Andrew Toth, Todd Decarlo and of course, Ron Benjamin. I’d also like to thank my Rocklin High coach Paul Morrison.  Past trainers Bart Morefield, Jimmy Frazzel, and now Kim Gonzalez have helped me on occasion with individual training and coaching points as I’ve strived to improve continually.  Lastly, I would like to say a special thank you to my parents and sister.  They have always supported, sacrificed and loved me unconditionally and they never give up on me. 

Thank you to Coach Coffey and Coach Lingadfelt for inviting me to be a part of the Dominican team and University. I am very excited to be part of the vision and community they are creating at DU.  Go Penguins!” — Tanya Bills


University of San Francisco Welcomes Cassidy George

“Completely thrilled to announce my verbal commitment to continue my academic and athletic career at the University of San Francisco. I am ridiculously excited to be able to study and play the game I love in such a beautiful and diverse city. Knowing the work you put in will one-day pay-off is an unbelievable feeling, and I couldn’t have done it without the amazing people in my life. I owe it to Coach Todd DeCarlo for his fervent energy and endless effort in helping me find my best fit. To Coach Gene DuChateau for motivating me to strive to be more than just “Mack’s sister,” and to Coach Bart Morefield, for his incredible guidance and training. I would also like to acknowledge my high school coaches, Mark Bowman and Matt Felt, for showing me why I fell in love with the game in the first place and teaching me never to take it too seriously. Furthermore, I know I wouldn’t be where I am today without my ambitious family who has patiently supported me through all my stubborn indecision and developing goals. All my cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents for encouraging me to be the best version of myself, because that’s what being a George is all about.  My mom and dad, for their unbelievable patience and support. I hope I can one day repay you for the ten years taken off of your lives. My brothers, for never going easy on me and my twin for being so competitive and always inspiring me to work harder. A last big thanks to my best friend, Ryan, for always supporting and encouraging me in everything I do and her family, for being my second, and showing endless love and support to me. Thank you for teaching me to never settle for less.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude toward Coach Jim Millinder for believing in me these past few years and for this amazing opportunity. Go Dons!” — Cassidy George

Ayden Burnett Commits to UC Davis

“I am honored to announce my commitment to play for University of California, Davis. I am blessed with the opportunity to not only play at a high level but also attend a great academic institution. I first would like to thank my family, coaches, and friends for their endless support. Especially my parents for always being there. Also, thank you to Placer United for continuing to push me as a player and person. Thank you, Coach Matt McDougall, Matt Scamacca, and Bj Glass. My teammates mean the world to me and are also my best friends. The community I have built will last well past the next few months. I am excited to see what next year has in store. Go Aggies!” — Ayden Burnett

Seattle Pacific University Will Welcome Elisha Burbridge

“I’m truly blessed to announce that I have committed to play soccer and continue my education at Seattle Pacific University. It has always been a dream of mine to play soccer at the next level, and I’m excited that I will be able to do just that at such a great institution like Seattle Pacific. First off I’d like to thank my family for supporting me on this journey. Without them, none of this would be possible. Secondly, I’d like to thank my teammates and friends for encouraging and pushing me to be my best. Third, I’d like to thank my coaches who have helped me get to this point in my development as a player and as a man. And lastly, it is because of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His blessing on my life that I am fortunate enough to make this announcement, all the credit and glory belongs to Him. I’m grateful for the opportunities that the Placer United organization has provided me with and I’m excited to start the next chapter of my life. Thank you again to everyone that has helped me, and Go Falcons!” — Elisha Burbridge

Jacob Ramos Commits to Western Washington University

“I am very excited to announce my commitment to Western Washington University.  I would like to thank everyone who has helped me throughout this process.  First off, thank you to my parents for supporting and pushing me to new heights on and off the field.  Secondly, I would like to bring attention to all of my amazing coaches and teammates that have made me the player I am today especially Paul O’Brien, Kevin Unsworth, Matt Scammacca, and Matt McDougall.  Lastly, thank you to the whole Placer United Soccer Club which has made me into so much more than a player over the course of ten years.  I can not wait to be playing at the collegiate level next year, Go Vikings!” —Jacob Ramos