Category Archives: News

Placer U17 Boys Advance to the NPL National Semi Finals

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Saturday morning saw a clash of two unbeaten teams from Bracket A on day three of the NPL finals. Placer United and NPL champions from New York state had both won their two opening games . The prize for the winner was a place in the 2014 NPL National Semi Finals.

Dressed in their new lucky kits, the yellow canaries quickly flew out of the cage and created two early chances that were pushed away by the New York based keeper. As the game settled down, mainly due to the extremly hot and muggy weather, it became apparent that the NY team was out to ruffle some feathers as they made a number of pretty hard tackles in their attempt to stifle the quick tiki taka ball movement of the boys.

At the end of the first half, the game was tied 0-0. It was plain for all to see the concern on the faces of the NY team as that score line would be enough to see Placer United advance.

The pace of the second half really picked up as the NY team pressured the boys in yellow higher up the field. That strategy really suited the canaries as they began to combine a lot quicker though the middle third of the field and fly forward into the open spaces behind the other teams defense. On minute 59, the moment we all waited for arrived. Forward Diego Buenrostro spread his wings and flew through a crowd of players to head in the opening goal of the game.

With the goal in the bag, the team really settled into their possession game and kept the ball for long periods of time adding more frustration to an already tired looking NY team. When the referee blew the final whistle the birds started to sing as a berth in the semis had been secured and the team took another step closer to the National Final.

Great job again guys! Go Placer!

Placer U17 Boys Win Second Game at NPL Nationals

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Early Friday morning, while alarm clocks were buzzing and coffee was brewing in Placer County, a yellow submarine had launched and was busy firing shots at the NPL champions from Houston Texas, as day two of the NPL National final in North Carolina was under way.

After a good night’s sleep, it was obvious from the start that the crew in yellow had come out to the soccer field ready to play. Standing on the other end of the field ready to stop the sub from launching were large waves of blue jerseys. The manicured flat green surface really suited the boys game as they steadily began to navigate their way around a tightly knit defense.

In the 11th minute, the breakthrough came as James Ramos rose like an orca out of the water, and beat the keeper to a cross with his head to fire the team into a 1-0 lead. That first goal really settled down the team as the game now began to take place more and more in the opposition’s half. At the helm, and leading by example, were Captain Corban Anderson and Captain Christian Guzman who were busy navigating a pathway through the sea of blue in their quest to reach the NPL National Final. With fifteen minutes left in the first half, the torpedoes came in quick succession as goals from Corban Anderson, Gonzalo Garcia and Brayden Sullivan had the Placer boys 4-0 up at the end of half whistle.

The second half saw more of the same as the yellow sub was now permanently anchored in the attacking half of the field. The boys kept to the game plan and continually pinged the ball around at great pace which resulted in Max Fereira, Kristian Heptner and Diego Buenrostro all getting on the score sheet as the game ended 7-0 for Placer United.

The game was an excellent display of teamwork and continued where the boys left off the day before, as nine different players have now scored ten goals over the first two games.

Way to go boys! Go Placer!

Four Placer United Players Receive NPL Golden Boot Award

The National Premier League (NPL), the top soccer league in Northern California, has announced the Golden Boot Award for most goals scored in the league.

The winners included four Placer United players, more than any other NPL club in Northern California to receive this prestigious disctinction for the 2013-14 season.


U19 Girls – Jessica Raybe and Alex Jenkins – tied with 11 goals each

U17 Boys – Kristian Hepner – tied for the award with 12 goals

U16 Boys – Riley Holbrook – ties for the award with 14 goals

Congratulations to all of you and your teammates!

Placer United Girls Represent with High School League Most Valuable Players and 1st Team All League Members

The 2014 girls high school soccer season was an exciting one in the Sacramento area. Placer United has many players who earned MVP honors and 1st Team All League honors.

Most Valuable Players

Anna Gregg (St. Francis) U18G 97 Gold. Voted Sacramento Area Player of the Year

Maggie Bell (Granite Bay) U16G 98 Gold. Voted Sierra Foothills League Most Valuable Player

Jessica Raybe (Lodi) U18G 97 Gold. Voted SJAA Co-Most Valuable Player as a Midfielder

Maddi Dunn (Bear River) U18G 97 Gold. Voted Offensive Most Valuable Player in the Pioneer Valley League

First Team All League

Megan Aaron (Whitney) U16G 98 Black

Dali Alarian (Vista del Lago) U18G 97 Gold

Isabella Castro (Rocklin) U16G 99 Gold

Sammie Craig (Whitney)  U15G 99 Gold

Emily Curry (Del Oro) U16G 98 Gold

Gretchen Goyette (Oakridge) U18G 97 Gold

Abby Huizenga (Del Oro) U18G 97 Black

Tamren Johnnk (Granite Bay) U18G 97 Gold

Megan Kuo (Rocklin) U16G 99 Gold

Mei-Li Madamba (Woodcreek) U18G 97 Gold

Sydney Pagador (Woodcreek) U18G 97 Gold

Savannah Schultz (Folsom) U18G 97 Gold

Savanna Thompson (Granite Bay) U16G 98 Gold

Sara Wagner (Granite Bay) U18G 97 Gold

Alivya Wimmer (Ponderosa) U18G 97 Gold

Congratulations to all of the above named players and all of the Placer United players who played for their high school soccer teams!

Placer Unted U17 Boys Win First Game at NPL National Finals

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The Placer United U17B Gold team played their first game yesterday afternoon in pursuit of an NPL  National title against Chicago Fire Jrs in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Dressed in their all-new eye-catching yellow kit, the boys came out buzzing and swarmed all over the Chicago Fire team from the very start. But an inspired performance by the Fire goalkeeper kept the game 0-0 at the half.

It was obvious from the start of the second half the boys really meant business as it took only two minutes for the opening goal. Forward Diego Buenrostro attacked a fine cross from Gonzalo Garcia with his  head which crashed against the crossbar and rebounded  at the foot of Isaul Bautista who stung the Fire with a well planted shot to make it Placer 1-0. Three minutes later Bautista, who was playing like a hornet whose nest had been disturbed, combined with Carlos Lomeli and then found Christian Guzman who had made a great off the ball run with a well placed pass. Guzman danced around the the last defender and placed the ball past the outstretched goalie to score putting Placer up 2-0. The final sting came in the 63rd minute as the Chicago Fire goalkeeper’s attempted clearance was picked off by Bautista who dribbled around him and drilled a shot in the upper left corner of the goal to make it 3-0.

Great job boys!

The team takes the field again this morning to play the NPL champions out of Florida .

Go Placer!

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Coach Ron Visits Atlas Soccer Academy in Puerto Vallarta


Coach Ron Visits Atlas Soccer Academy in Puerto Vallarta  – Atlas 1st Team to Play Sacramento Republic on July 6 at Bonney Field

“I was very fortunate to travel to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico for a portion of the club break.  I have travelled down there for many years to work with my friend, Jose Curiel of the Atlas Academy in Vallarta. The Academy serves as a feeder system for the Atlas Club. Jose played professionally for Atlas for many years and also played for the Mexican National team.

During the visit, I helped out at training sessions on the field and also their fitness sessions on the beach.  Additionally, we brought down many donated items and distributed them to the less fortunate on the outskirts of Vallarta.

It is always an enlightening experience and it is so fun to feel the soccer culture in Mexico.  It was especially exciting as the World Cup was in progress.  We were able to experience the Croatia game and the Round of 16 game versus Holland in Vallarta. The support for the Mexican squad was unbelievable.  There was singing and chanting in the streets and in all restaurants.  We sported our USA jerseys on game days and the support of the people for the USA team was also quite impressive.

Atlas will be travelling up to Sacramento to play the Republic on July 6 at Bonney Field and it should be a very exciting match!” —Ron Benjamin

Why Futsal is an Important Part of our Placer United Soccer Program

by Ben Smith, BBC Sports

A stroll along Rio’s breathtaking beaches is enough to show you why they believe that futsal is the game behind Brazil’s 2014 superstars. As far as the eye can see, footballs dance in the evening air, propelled by one deft touch after another.

Alongside the sun-worshippers, towel hawkers, muscle-men and bar-crawlers are boys and girls, men and women, repeating skills and drills, honing their feel for the football, hour after hour.

Tempting as it is to conclude that Brazil’s success stems from this carefree childhood practice on the sand, the real reason may lie elsewhere.

In these parts, they believe Futebol de Salao – or futsal – is the game that made Brazil great. Pele, Zico, Socrates, Romario, Ronaldo, Neymar are just some of the Brazilian national icons who spent their youth playing with the smaller, heavier futsal ball – a ball that could not be lofted into the air, but demanded speed of mind, fleetness of foot, flair and flamboyance.

“Futsal makes you think fast and play fast,” Pele said. “You try things, it makes you dribble. It makes you a better player.”

In Fortaleza, in the north-east of Brazil, some of the region’s best young players train in the stifling midday heat. The basketball-size court is surrounded by stepped concrete seating, painted yellow and blue. A group of spectators look on as the ball skims around in a blur of artistry, fizzing frequently into the small goals.

It is the ball makes the game. According to one version of futsal history, the ball is weighted because it was began on courts surrounded by windows – near impossible to kick into the air, the heavy ball was therefore less likely to break glass. But whatever the origins, the weight and size compels a certain brand of football – a style Brazil made their own in the early 1970s.

And it is a style you can still detect today. Watching Neymar closely during this world cup  you  see him use techniques he developed playing futsal. The Brazil No 10 often traps and then shifts the ball with the sole of his foot, rather than the instep, a skill young Brazilians use on court in every game.

“Football owes futsal so much,” said Manuel Tobias, one of futsal’s greats and three-time world futsal player of the year, watching the youngsters in Fortaleza. “If we look at the Brazil team in this World Cup, around 10 players were registered with futsal clubs. Neymar, Willian, David Luiz, Daniel Alves, Luis Gustavo, Marcelo – they are a different type of player.

“They think fast, they are skillful and they are able to get out of difficult situations.”

Oscar is another Brazil player whose game has been shaped by the sport. His goal against Croatia in the opening game of the World Cup was dismissed by many as a tired toe-poke. The Chelsea midfielder had a different view.

“It was like something you might do in futsal,” he said. “When you get the chance you just shoot. You don’t wait.

With space limited on the futsal court, players do not have time to pull their leg back for a shot. Romario, a World Cup winner in 1994, was the master of the art.

“The best player I have coached? It has to be Romario,” Johan Cruyff once said. “His technique was extraordinary. Curiously, most of his goals were toe-pokes.”

There was nothing curious about it. Futsal had helped him develop a technique of finishing without warning and often just when defenders felt they had closed him down.

The great dribblers of Brazilian football also came from futsal. Garrincha was arguably the greatest of them all. Former Wales international left-back Mel Hopkins, who lined up directly against Garrincha at the 1958 World Cup, told BBC Sport. “His legs went one way and his body the other.”

Rivelino, Ronaldinho and even Neymar have developed a dancing, elastic sway to their dribbling that is uniquely Brazilian. Some describe it as ‘ginga’ – a loose body. Again it is born of necessity, the need to find a way beyond your opponent in the close confines of a futsal court.

“Because you play in a small space you have to know what you are going to do before the ball gets to you,” former Brazil international and BBC pundit Juninho said. “I was six when I started. It has helped Brazil a lot over the years.”

Futsal’s World Order
  • Brazil are historically the strongest futsal nation, with five World Cup titles, including the last event in 2012
  • Spain are the only other nation to have won the World Cup, with two titles
  • Italy, Argentina and Portugal are also currently ranked in the world’s top 10, along with Iran and Azerbaijan
  • England are currently ranked 73rd, below Turkmenistan and New Zealand, and one place above Andorra

The origins of the sport are a matter of debate. Some believe it began in the Young Men’s Christian Associations (YMCA) in Montevideo, Uruguay, at a time when the church used sport to instil moral values, like discipline and honour. Others believe Brazil invented the game, as the urban sprawl of cities such as Rio and Sao Paulo wiped out the space for 11-a-side pitches. What is not disputed is that the rules were formalized in Uruguay as a combination of basketball, water polo, handball and, of course, football – 20 minutes each way, five or six-a-side.

Since then its practice, and its influence, has spread. The first futsal World Cup took place in 1982, Brazil winning the final in Sao Paulo – and four or the first five tournaments. Fifa began to take notice and in 1989 took control of the sport.

With wider popularity came changes. With television companies interested, Fifa made the ball twice as big – a size four rather than the size two with which the game began – and much lighter. Spain began to take futsal seriously, using Brazilian-born players to strengthen their team, winning futsal’s World Cup twice. It soon became a regular part of the academies at Barcelona, Real Madrid and elsewhere in La Liga.

“In futsal, you see whether a player is really talented,” Spain midfielder Xavi – winner of football’s World Cup and two European Championships – said. “In normal football you don’t necessarily identify talent as easily because it’s so much more physical. But with futsal, you notice small details in quality, class and tactical understanding.”

Futsal’s Footballer Endorsements
  • World Cup winner Pele: “Futsal was important in helping to develop my ball control, quick thinking, passing… also for dribbling, balance, concentration…futsal was very, very important, no doubt.”
  • Argentina’s Lionel Messi: “In Argentina, when I was a young boy, I used to play a lot of futsal on the street and with Newell’s Old Boys. It was a really fun game that’s helped me a great deal.”
  • Real Madrid forward Cristiano Ronaldo: “The smaller court helped my footwork skills, the nature of the game made me feel so free when I played. If it wasn’t for futsal, I would definitely not be the player I am today.”
  • Milan and Brazil forward Robinho:”It helped me to become the player I am today. There you don’t have time to think, you are always tightly marked and you develop a sense for performing in small spaces.”

Portugal, Italy and Germany have, like Spain, been playing the game for the past 20 years in an attempt to emulate Brazil’s technique, and England is belatedly catching on, albeit gradually.

It is 20 years since schoolteacher Simon Clifford returned from Brazil, a trip he paid for with a £5,000 loan from a teaching union, determined to spread the gospel in England. Clifford’s Brazilian Soccer Schools have been doing that for almost 20 years and the game is, at last, beginning to take off.

In Brazil, there is no sign of its popularity waning. Indeed, according to Louise Bede, vice-president of the Brazilian Futsal Association, it is more popular now than ever.

“Government figures tell us futsal is the most popular sport in Brazil even more so than conventional football,” she said. “The athletes who started with futsal are the cornerstone of the Brazilian squad.”

The game is played in all Brazilian football academies, and is part of what distinguishes coaching in the country, where the biggest fear is over-coaching its next generation of boys and girls, not under-coaching them.

Coaches are discouraged from giving players formal positions until they are 14. Talent is allowed to breathe, to find its natural path in games such as futsal. From the age of seven to 12, young players tackle futsal three days a week.

It remains to be seen whether the adapted, TV-friendly version of the game will have an impact on Brazil’s fortunes on the world stage in the long term. What is clear, however, is that it is still regarded as the incubator of Brazilian talent.

Futsal is proof that in Brazil – despite that popular saying – great footballers are not born, they are made.

The Talmi Sisters Earn All Combine Honors at the Top Drawer Soccer Combine


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Congratulations to Emily (U15G 00 Gold) and Sydney (U18G 97 Gold) as each earned All Combine Honors at the Top Drawer Soccer Combine held June 1st at Turlock Regional Soccer Complex.  Emily earned first team honors while Sydney earned second team honors.

The Turlock Complex played host to the first of ten combines in the TDS combine series. The event welcomed top talent from all over the west coast as players showcased themselves in front of fifteen colleges ranging from D1, D2, D3 and NAIA.

One D1 coach stated that the combine was, “a brilliant event full of top players and great energy” in which they found “numerous players of interest.” With one player already locking in an unofficial visit through the event, NorCal has definitely set high standards for the 2014 series.

During the day, coaches ran players through technical sessions, small sided games and a series of full field games where players were evaluated.  Based on the players’ performances, they were then put together to form the Girls First Team All-Combine and Second Team All-Combine sponsored by National Guard.

Congrats Emily and Sydney!


U16G 99 Gold and U18G 98 Gold Semi-Finalists at the Utah Avalanche College Showcase

The U16 Girls 99 Gold and the U18 Girls 98 Gold traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah this past weekend to play in the first college showcase of the year. There were a number of college coaches in attendance scouting the talent. The games were played at the beautifully manicured Quinn’s Soccer Complex.

The U16 Girls were thrown right into the fire against LaRoca Premier out of Utah. LaRoca is the #1 ranked team out of Utah and ended up winning the event. As the girls played a great game, they came up on the short end 2-0. In Game 2, the girls rebounded with a 1-0 win over Utah Celtic, ranked #4 in Utah. In Game 3, the girls avenged a 4-2 loss back in March at the Players Showcase in Las Vegas, with a 2-0 win over Downtown Las Vegas who is ranked as the #1 team in Nevada. In the 3rd/4th place game, the girls played the host, Utah Avalanche, ranked #3 in Utah.  The game was back and forth with both teams having a number of chances. The game ended in a draw and the girls came up on the short end in penalty kicks.

The U18 Girls started off the tournament in great fashion notching two wins right out of the gate. In Game 1, the girls had a convincing 3-0 win over the New Mexico Rush, the #2 ranked team in New Mexico. In Game 2, the girls continued their winning ways with a 2-1 win over Leahi from Hawaii. In Game 3, with a shot at reaching the championship game on the line, the girls played against Sparta Premier, the #1 ranked team in Utah.  They girls played a great game but came up a bit short in a 2-0 loss. In the 3rd/4th place game, the girls ran into a buzz saw with the #3 ranked team in Colorado, WAFC. The score line was not indicative of the game as WAFC finished their opportunities and won 3-0.

Congratulations to the girls on a great weekend of soccer and great collegiate exposure!

Great Weekend for Placer United at Nor Cal Regional Championships

Placer United had an incredible weekend out in Davis at the Nor Cal Regional Championships. All five teams that qualified for the Regional Championships advanced to play on Sunday morning  in the semi-finals. Four out of the five teams were victorious in their semi’s and moved on to play in the finals later that day.

With all Nor Cal Regional finals kicking off at the same time, the Davis complex was flooded with Placer United families as they cheered on their teams in the 100+ degree weather.

On Field 8, the Placer U11 Boys, who had earlier beat out a very good Barcelona Academy team in the semi’s, took on another strong team from the Bay area and sealed the first Championship of the day by winning 1-0 in a hard fought game.

Meanwhile over on Field 2, the Placer U11 Girls were in a massive battle with the Barcelona Academy girls who were out to avenge their boy’s loss. The game was a really great game as both teams went at each other despite the high temperatures and the girls were extremely unlucky to lose out  2-1.

Back at field 7 the Placer U14 Girls who had earlier come from behind  to win their semi 2-1, didn’t waste any time in the final as they jumped out into the lead and never looked back as they picked up Championship trophy number 2 for Placer.

While the other teams were busy picking up their medals and cooling off in the shade. The Placer U12 Girls were involved in a PK shootout out on Field 4 against the trophy favorites, West Valley Premier. The girls nerves held strong in shootout as they won Placer’s 3rd Regional Championship of the day.

Congratulations to all five Placer United teams that qualified for Regionals.

What a great weekend for the club!

All 5 teams made the semi’s.
4 teams moved into the finals.
3 teams brought home the bacon.

Go Placer!