“I am excited to announce that I have verbally committed to play soccer at Aurora University near Chicago in 2020! Visiting the campus I knew right away that Aurora University is where I am supposed to be. Watching the coaches and the players interact I know that this is a culture that I want to be a part of. I’m extremely excited to play for Coaches Shannon DeNinno, Olivia Callipari, and Jonathon Collins.
I want to say how much I truly appreciate Coach Todd DeCarlo and all of my teammates for welcoming me to Placer United mid-season last year. The Placer United Soccer Club and Coach DeCarlo have continued to push me to be a better and more committed player and have set me up for success at the next level.
During my journey, there have been many people who have supported me and pushed me to develop both on & off the field.
I first must thank Coach Jose Ordaz, who offered me my first spot on a competitive team and who taught me that a tough coach can also be a fun coach and for teaching me the fundamentals of soccer. Second, I’d like to thank Coach Cesar Sandoval for honestly teaching me to love the game, love my teammates and to always give 100%. Third, I’d like to thank Coach Curtis Farley for being the fun coach and for reminding me that sometimes we ju
st need to have fun and not take ourselves too seriously. This list would not be complete without also thanking my High School Coach Ana Jones who has been supportive of all of my decisions and who continues to push me to be a leader. Finally, I wouldn’t be who I am without the teammates that have surrounded me all of these years so a huge thank you to ALL of them! Lastly, I want to thank my parents, brother and the rest of my family for their love and support and for the many hours spent driving to games and on the sidelines supporting me!
I’m very excited for the future and hope to make everyone who has supported and believed in me proud. GO SPARTANS!”—Ashley Ryan