Posted On April 9, 2012 by PUSC
“I’m very happy to say that I have decided to attend the University of Dallas. I have always dreamed of playing soccer at the collegiate level. Coach Corona really made me feel like I was talented and that I would be an important aspect of the team. I was invited by Coach Corona to watch one of their games in Oakland and get a chance to meet the girls. They were very helpful with answering my questions about the school and making me feel included, like I was already a part of the team. I was asked to come on an official visit to take some classes, view the campus and watch one of their games. The visit made me feel like I belonged there and they offered everything that I need to start to achieve my Architecture degree. I came home all smiles and told my parents all the great news. Months later I committed to the University of Dallas and it felt great.
I really appreciate all the people who helped me to make my decision. It was a big one to make and I couldn’t have made it alone. I would like to thank my coaches Todd DeCarlo and Crystal Chaidez for their support. My coach this year, Crystal, really pushed me hard this last 11 months. I couldn’t thank her enough for doing so. She was a big part of me achieving my goal. I enjoyed talking to her every time a new school contacted me and she would tell me what to think about and ask the coach. I also want to thank my parents for being there for 13 years of soccer. Their support really kept me going in a positive direction.”
—Mariah Fairbanks